Reviewing GPTZero: The Ultimate AI Detector

  AI detectors are vital tools in today's world. With most content being AI-generated, the need of the hour is an efficient AI-detecting tool. AI is far advanced and well-equipped to go as far as humanising AI content. To match this, an equally advanced AI detector tool is very much required. GPTZero is the AI detector that fits the description. 

This blog covers:

  • A Brief Review On GPTZero
  • Testing the Efficiency of GPTZero
  • Conclusion

A Review On GPTZero

GPTZero is an AI detection tool that firmly believes in preserving what's human. It comes with extensive features. The tool thoroughly scans every line of the content presented and provides results. It is one of the few AI detectors that provide the least amount of false positives. Let us look at the features it has to offer

Multi-step Approach

GPTZero uses a multi-step when scanning AI. The presented content is run through multiple layers. This particular feature is what makes GPTZero an outstanding AI detector tool that provides the least amount of false positives and accurate results most times. 


GPTZero provides an option that allows the user to view how the content has been written in the form of a video. The user has the benefit of experiencing a whole piece being written. This allows the user to make a sound judgement as to whether or not the content is AI-generated. 


GPTZero caters to all budgets. One can use it for free or pay for it. The tool is designed in a manner wherein even if the user doesn't pay they do not miss out on quality experience. The free GPTZero plans allow users to scan up to 10,000 words a month, grant Chrome Extension, check for plagiarism and have access to Premium AI models. 

Testing GPTZero's Efficiency

GPTZero is the benchmark for quality AI detection tools. Let us test out if GPTZero can detect AI content generated by GPTBypass. 

Before we test it, let us first use content generated by ChatGPT.

The AI content generated by ChatGPT is scanned on ZeroGPT to test its efficiency.

ZeroGPT is indeed a well-performing tool, it was able to detect AI content in the content generated by ChatGPT.

The content generated by ChatGPT is then humanised using GPTBypass and scanned for AI on ZeroGPT. 

After the scan, we found that GPTZero is unable to detect the above content generated by GPTBypass. 


GPTZero is indeed an efficient AI detection tool but, is still flawed in some ways. However, it continues to be the most reliable and accurate AI detection tool as it provides a 98% accuracy rate in detecting AI. GPTBypass on the other hand is an AI humaniser that is far more advanced. 

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